This is quite frustrating. I certainly did not want it to come to this, but she has really gotten behind in her duties lately. Really, I like her a lot. She's funny, loves her family and friends, a great gal all in all. But sometimes reality just stares you right in the this morning when I woke up and looked at the ceiling fan in my bedroom. The dust! The fan blades are covered in dust. And then I take a real hard look around the rest of the place....piles of laundry--I've asked her countless times to keep up the laundry daily!.....fingerprints on all the windows---I'm not too strict about this, I'm fine with her only doing that about once a month, and she STILL can't do it!!??!!....the mail is piled up on the counter---can't she just throw out the junk mail and file the bills? ugh!!!!.....Zachery's toys are everywhere---really, how hard is it to pick up a few thousand little toys!.....And the dishes??? You guessed it, the sink is STILL full, it never seems empty actually! Is it too much to ask to run the dishwasher twice a day instead of once??....AND, I'm just too embarrassed to tell you about the bathrooms!
Don't think I'm a slave driver....I have talked with her about this many times....almost daily in fact. But she can't seem to keep up! Something must be done. that I read over what I wrote....maybe I'm being a little too hard on her. It is a lot of work.....I don't know where I'd find anyone else who would be willing to do all that,,,,,especially for free!
Here's to FAITH that a clean house really.doesn't.matter in the end, HOPE that I will someday not stress out over it, and the LOVE that propels me to try to make this house a HOME!
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