Thursday, October 15, 2009

Toilet Humor

Don't all boys love toilet humor? It seems that most of them don't ever grow out of it either. Well, Zachery's put a new twist on toilet humor.

In the mornings when I need to shower and no one else is here, Zachery hangs out in my room watching TV or playing with his monster trucks. Of course, he occasionally will need to use the potty. We all know what happens when you flush a toilet while someone is in the shower....the water in the shower gets really hot! So the conversations went something like this, I'd hear him in the bathroom and say "Zachery when you finish using the potty, don't flush the toilet." "Why, Mommy?" E-GADS, the WHY is a whole nother blog, good gracious!! Anyway. "Why, Mommy?" "Because when you flush the toilet, the water in Mommy's shower gets really hot." "Okay Mommy". And of course, he'd flush and I'd say...."Oh no, Zach, Mommy's water is hot now."

So one day a few weeks ago I'm in the shower and I hear him come into the bathroom. And a minute or so later I hear the toilet flush. At this point, I just let it go, and didn't say anything about it. And then he says to me..... in a sing-song voice.... "Mooooommmmmmeeeee, is your water hoooootttt?" Oh My Gosh, I think....he came in here and flushed that toilet on purpose! "Zach", I say, "that's not nice to do that on purpose to make the water hot". I hear a little snickering laughter and out he runs. I just giggled to myself and thought, that little STINKER!

Yesterday, I'm enjoying a warm steamy shower and I hear the door to the bathroom slowly open and then I hear the toilet flush and then I hear his little feet RUN out of the bathroom! He did a flush-n-run!!!

People, this kid is only 3!! Calgon....take me away.......

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