Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Gratitude Experiment

It's November. I love November, mostly because it has Thanksgiving in it! Yay, Turkey and pumpkin pie! Oh, and all the other delicious food we get to eat for the rest of the year! :-) Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I mean, Christmas is awesome and I'm a Christian so Christmas has very special meaning to me but I really love what Thanksgiving embodies. The thoughts of how our lives are blessed, reasons we have to be thankful. It just brings out an overflowing amount of gratitude in me and I see that in other people too.

So I was pondering thankfulness and gratitude today. Thinking about what God says about thankfulness. I believe God wants us to have a lifestyle of gratitude. He talks about it so much in His word. He considers giving thanks a sacrifice that truly honors him (Psalm 50:23). Giving thanks brings you into the presence of God (Psalm 100:4). He tells us to give thanks in everything (Ephesians 5:20). I want my life to honor God and I want to be in His presence always.

Usually, at Thanksgiving dinner, as a family we all share a few reasons we are thankful. It's so gratifying to hear what everyone says. As I thought about all of these things and the scriptures, I wondered what would happen in my life if I chose to have more gratitude? What if I made a deliberate effort to have a lifestyle of gratitude. I felt God nudging me forward, saying why just think about it Dawn? Do it! Try it out. Thus, the gratitude experiment was born!

A month of giving thanks in everything! A month of sacrificing myself to truly be grateful in every circumstance! I'm not sure what will happen....I'm sure I'll have more joy but I wonder what God is teaching me! If you are reading this, hold me to this okay? Make me accountable! .

Surprise me God! I'm ready!

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